Why Us

Our Commitment to the Planet

We only have one planet, let’s protect it!

100% Green Hosting

Powered by: Solar, Wind, and Sea

Our web hosting is powered entirely off renewable energy. Gone are the days where your website is a significant contributor to your companies carbon emissions.

Carbon Capture

1.5% of revenue goes to carbon capture

We support various carbon capture projects by donating 1.5% of our revenue to them. Learn more about our initiatives and why this is important below.

Personal Goals

Our personal commitment to the planet

We go beyond our hosting and carbon capture and work to support local, consider the climate with everyday actions, and create goals with a greener future.

How much carbon does this website emit?

Test your site here!

Green Hosting

100% Green Web Hosting

We are proud to offer 100% green web hosting in both the United States and Europe with datacenters arriving in Singapore and Tokyo soon!

Iron Mountain

PUE = 1.2

Iron mountain has decades of experience in high-security business services. They house all of our US based datacenters. Learn more about them below.

Netwise East

PUE = 1.05

This is our primary UK datacenter and contains one of the world leading PUE figures. This datacenter is brand new and is running on the bleeding-edge of technology.

Our Hardware

Top of the line

We make sure our hardware is always on the bleeding-edge for both performance, and power efficency.

Our Datacenters

Pushing for a green planet too

We aren’t alone in this fight! Our datacenters all have similar commitments and initiatives.

Our Software

Optimized for speed

We test and run performance audits on every single piece of software we run on our servers to make sure they are running as fast as possible. Additionally we make sure we are choosing solutions that focus on speed and functionality. Slow software means more processing, which means more emissions.

Our Performance

One of the best

The slower your hosting, the more emissions you produce waiting. This is obviously unacceptable, and is why we strive to use the fastest and most energy efficient hardware in our servers.

Our Design

Built to be green

Did you know that the way you design a webpage can greatly change your websites carbon impact? Our site is focused to be fast loading, and energy efficient. We carry this philosphy over to our clients websites as well, regardless of where they host. A faster website, is a cleaner website.

Carbon Capture

We work with Stripe to remove carbon

We instantly contribute 1.5% of our revenue any time a purchase is made directly to Stripe Climate, an initiate to remove carbon by various methods. We currently have contributed to 17 different projects.

Our Current Project Split

Our Pathways

Below are the 6 types of carbon removal that we invest in and the percentage of our funds that we invest. These numbers change from time to time as new technologies emerg and more effective methods become apparent.

Direct air capture


Direct air capture is the process of seperating CO₂ from ambient air via cycling a sorbent or solvent repeatedly through capture and release. This is then paired with any kind of permanent CO₂ storage.

Enhanced weathering


Enhanced weathering speeds up the natural weathering of alkaline materials with CO₂ and rainwater. This leads to durable storage of CO₂ as bicarbonate.

Biomass carbon removal & storage


Biomass carbon removal & storage permanently stores CO₂ from waste biomass, which naturally capture CO₂ from the atmosphere via photosynthesis. Examples include gasification, biomass burial, and pyrolysis.

Ocean alkalinity enhancement


Ocean alkalinity enhancement processes increase the natural ability of the ocean to draw CO₂ from the atmosphere. By extracting acid or adding alkalinity, additional CO₂ is stored as stable bicarbonate and carbonate in the seawater.

Storage only


Storage is the process of taking a stream of CO₂ and mineralizing it into a stable carbonate. Examples include building materials like cement or subsurface mineralization in basalt rock.

Direct ocean removal


Direct ocean removal extracts CO₂ from the ocean water, which results in carbon-depleted discharge water that is able to then absorb more CO₂ from the atmosphere. The extracted CO₂ is then paired with permanent CO₂ storage.


A commitment to accelerate carbon removal

Frontier is a commitment to carbon removal. It was founded by Stripe, Alphabet, Shopify, Meta, McKinsey, and tens of thousands of businesses like us using Stripe Climate. Learn more here

A group effort

25,000+ Businesses across 39 countries and growing!

We can’t stop climate change ourselves, THIS is why we work with Stripe Climate, Parrot Creative, Krystal, Katapult and other like minded businesses to make a push to stop climate change together.

Why it works

Adopting new technologies

All new technology is expensive to the first adopters. This is why we help support the technology to reduce the cost curve and help scale the technology.

Looking forward

Changing our daily lives

Carbon capture helps to reduce the damage already done, but it doesn’t stop the damage we are currently doing. This is why those employed by Pinwheel make their own commitments to the planet. Read more below

Personal Goals

Our daily commitment to the planet

In our personal lives we focus on living green, staying energy efficient, and reducing our carbon footprint where we can. Below are just some of the methods that we use.

Support Local

Reducing carbon & supporting our local economy

When we make purchasing decisions we try to focus on buying from our local businesses and those who make things locally. This helps support our local economy, and reduces carbon by reducing the immense amount of logistics it takes to get a package to your door.

Eat Local

Eat better food & support the local economy

We encourage our staff to plant gardens and purchase from local farmers markets. This again helps to promote the local economy if you are purchasing your food, and it reduces your carbon footprint even more if you grow your own food like our founder Ash Davenport.

Our Homes

Focused on energy efficiency

We push for our staff to switch to energy efficient bulbs, switch to energy efficient heating/cooling, and invest in renewable energy. 

Work From Home

Reduce carbon by eliminating the commute

We don’t have an office! Instead we work from home, this eliminates the major source of carbon which is driving to and from work every day. We prioritize online meetings with clients and rarely meet in person. When we do, we support our local businesses who also support the planet such as Red Bean Craft Coffee.

Right to Repair

Reduce waste by repairing your own products

When a product breaks, we encourage staff to repair their products instead of throwing them away and buying new. One of the ways we help with this is 3D printing. This allows us to print with plant based plastics and repair nearly anything.

Do It Yourself

Learn skills and save emissions

We encourage and teach staff how to make their own products when possible. Technologies from 3D printing, to woodworking, and even CNC. All of these allow you to make a variety of products at home cheaper, and without the immense carbon footprint of logistics.

Green Vacations

Relax and reduce emissions

We also encourage staff to pick local vacation spots instead of flying. We also promote spending time outdoors and getting to know the nature we are so focused on protecting. Feel free to ask us about some of our favorite spots around North Georgia!

Get Started

Ready to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Reduce your companies carbon footprint by hosting on our 100% green hosting, or build a website with us with green design in mind. Whatever you are looking for, we are here to help.